How should marine fish be chosen?
2021-09-29 16:23:50 | text catogry

The tropic marine fish is very beautiful, and its radiant appearance attracts many aquarium enthusiasts to keep. Moreover, there are many kinds of marine fish, and the varieties are also varied. Newbies who are just getting started must be lost in these selections and don’t know what to do. How should marine fish be chosen?

First of all, you have to think about what kind of marine fish to keep. For novices, it is best to keep some species that are more viable and easy to raise, such as clownfish. After accumulating experience, slowly advance.

Before buying marine fish, you must make preparations in first. Through the Internet or other ways, choose a trustworthy aquarium shop. In this way, the probability of buying bad fish is lower. Of course, if you have a professional aquarium player by your side, you can go shopping with him.

It is recommended not to buy baby fish that were born recently, otherwise it will be difficult to adapt to the new aquarium environment and may even die. Observe the condition of marine fish carefully. The surface of healthy marine fish is clean and bright. Fish can swim freely in the aquarium. The scales are intact, not damaged, and the mouth closes freely. When choosing marine fish, you can feed them to see if there is any preying behavior.

Generally speaking, as long as you pay more attention to observe its health and maintain good seawater quality, the fish you bought can be raised successfully.


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